The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, December 2, 2018 Hour 1

By RBN December 2, 2018 17:21

Here on December 2, 2018 we’re heading into a solid week that will feature the apotheosis of George Bush Sr. and the cynical use of his passing by the Fake News enemy of the people to try to demonize our greatest president (and that ain’t George Bush Sr.) by glorifying the “moderation”, “courtesy”, “bipartisanship”, ‘grace”, “politeness”, etc. etc. blah blah blah of Bush Sr. in contrast to the “divisive”, “abrasive”, and “rude” Donald Trump. Kelso, in today’s Trump Phenomenon makes the point that ALL of these questions totally miss the actual crucial difference between Bush Sr. (and the same applies to Jr. and every other president of our lifetimes) and President Trump. That difference is that Donald John Trump is the ONLY president in our lifetimes who “gets it” that “the defense of the West ultimately…lies on the will of its people to prevail. The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.” Donald Trump spoke those immortal words, and much more, in his speech before a huge, roaring, packed mass of Poles in front of the monument to the Polish Uprising against the Nazis in Krasinski Square in the middle of Warsaw, Poland. Trump gave this magisterial speech of truth on July 6, 2017, less than 6 months after being sworn in.

By RBN December 2, 2018 17:21

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