The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, December 17, 2019

By RBN December 17, 2019 20:59

Do you remember that classic, classic scene of Clint Eastwood as “Josie Wales” giving a bunch of really bad guys hunting him down a dose of “The Missouri Boatride”? Well, that’s what we’re enjoying in tonight’s Trump Phenomenon. The DemonRat bad guys, with their horses spooked and jumping off their river-crossing raft, are spinning out of control going down the Missouri River after Eastwood (Donald Trump in our analogy) cuts their cross-river rope with one single deadeye shot from his HUGE long gun. Everything that could go wrong is going right for us. Our President will be in Battle Creek, Michigan tomorrow night. The DemonRat Dumpster fire debate is back on for the following night in Los Angeles. Have your popcorn ready. You don’t want to miss a moment. Did you catch our President’s mind-boggling letter to Nervous Nancy in which he has the RAW GENIUS to say what EVERYBODY knows (but won’t say). That being: “Hey, you’re insulting believers everywhere when you lie and say you’re constantly praying for me.” As the young kid in “The Outlaw Josie Wales” exclaims “God Almighty!” in joy at Eastwood’s (Trump’s) deadeye shot.

By RBN December 17, 2019 20:59

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