The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 30, 2020

By RBN April 30, 2020 21:00

End the lockdown Mr. President. If Governors object….too bad, we the people will back you up to END the LOCKDOWN. Today, April 30, 2020, we have 30+ million American breadwinners out of work. Are you going to get re-elected in 190 (or so) days if another 3 million lose their jobs next week? And another 3 million each week? The current dumb-ass law, signed into effect by Democrats AND Republicans, pays a $600 a WEEK bonus on top of your unemployment “pay”! That bonus is bigger than MANY people’s weekly paycheck! Why should they go back to work? Even if politicians who love their lockdown are gotten out of their way! The #1 employer in Texas is the restaurant business. Republican Governor Abbot only has balls big enough to allow a 25% opening of restaurants next week! Hey Gov. Abbot, in case you can’t figure it out for yourself, any restaurant is better of staying shut than trying to run at a HUGE daily LOSS at 25%! The damage to America will be too great for Trump to get re-elected unless the lockdown is ended completely and immediately. All businesses, everywhere. None of the lockdown has ANY basis in science. There is not a single scientific study ever that shows that locking down (strangling) a nation prevents illness! There never will be such a study. None of the lockdown has any basis in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights (part of the Constitution), or common sense.

By RBN April 30, 2020 21:00

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