The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 28, 2020

By RBN April 28, 2020 20:59

What appears to me to be an obvious bombshell was just dropped on us before today’s April 28, 2020 show. We’ll cover it in depth tomorrow night. I’ll play the clip of Dr. Jill Biden sitting next to her totally SILENT husband Joe as only she talks….about her husband! This super-weird video, officially released by the Biden campaign, has to be explained. I can only come up with one explanation. This video, in which Joe looks totally senile, staring into space and frowning bizarrely, is the OFFICIAL Biden/DNC wink/wink announcement to Democrats that Dr. Jill Biden is NOW acting as guardian for a senile Joe, who is worsening rapidly. It is the official announcement that very soon we will see another video from Dr. Jill Biden announcing, this time again with a silent Joe in the video, that her wonderful, wonderful husband has so, so sadly lost his capacity to run for or serve as president. And, as Joe’s guardian, she is officially declining the Democrat nomination, and turning the selection of another candidate over to the DNC. An additional possibility is that in this declination announcement Jill Biden will assert that her husband is endorsing some particular candidate to replace him. My guess is that likely choices will be Hillary, Michelle, or Amy Klobuchar. I am sure that a titanic power struggle is going on right now behind closed doors to get the fix in on a Joe replacement before Dr. Jill makes the “sad, sad” announcement that her husband has to decline. Here’s another wild twist folks. One huge problem the DemonRats may be wrestling with right now is that Slow Joe may not himself be agreeing to his withdrawal! Yikes! The key person in this would necessarily be Dr. Jill. That’s why I see this latest super-weird video as a HUGE TIPOFF as to the “surprise” announcement we’re about to get.

By RBN April 28, 2020 20:59

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