The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 24, 2020

By RBN April 24, 2020 20:59

This must be about day 40 of the brain-dead national lockdown, here on April 24. 2020. Who thinks that the Trump presidency will win re-election in just 6 months from now if we have 30 million newly and NEEDLESSLY unemployed American workers? 4-5 million more workers go on unemployment each week. We never needed any kind of lockdown. Just as we have NEVER before. Just as no Western (on even non-Western nation) has ever needed a national lockdown as a “cure” for a “bad cold” (what we have now) or even any OTHER or more serious disease. The President had it right when he said “we can’t have a cure that’s worse than the disease.” Bingo Mr. President! But why are you still obeying the crazy woman Dr. Deborah Birx and her dingaling “social distancing” and total lockdown? I don’t remember voting for President Birx. But that’s what we’ve got. Unless you end this lockdown immediately you will lose, we will lose the House (again) and we’ll lose the Senate on Nov. 3. Even an end to the lockdown starting tomorrow morning might be too late. The damage is in the large trillions and six months may not be enough time to fix what’s been broken. Learn from Sweden’s PROOF that no lockdown was ever necessary. Study the REAL numbers yourself. Please, please do not listen to Nurse Ratchet’s badmouthing and LYING about the living proof right in front of our noses in Sweden.

By RBN April 24, 2020 20:59

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