The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 16, 2020

By RBN April 16, 2020 21:20

Tonight, April 16, 2020, Tucker Carlson did yet another brilliant show….and who knows what inspired him to use the very piece of evidence that our show has been using for weeks….using the comparison of Sweden’s non-lockdown outcome (which is great) with any of the lockdown nations (he uses Norway, while we have seen Belgium as a better apples to apples comparison). Any of the lockdown nations has done immeasurably worse than Sweden because they have suffered the greatest damage of all….which is the lockdown of the economic life of their nation. For one month now! Using a national economic and social lockdown to “treat” a flu epidemic is comparable to roasting a poison ivy sufferer with a flame thrower to “get rid” of the poison ivy itching (which would have gone away all by itself after doing nothing). Somebody has got to put Professor Knut Wittkowski on national TV to refute the utter falsehoods being foisted on us by medical frauds (that’s Doctor Ron Paul’s term for Anthony Fauci) like Fauci and Birx. Professor Knut Wittkowski was for 20 years the head of the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at The Rockefeller University in New York City. Professor Wittkowski can educate any level-headed person that a national lockdown is the WORST answer to a flu. He can teach any such person of common sense that “the only way to kill a viral infection epidemic is to create herd immunity.” And the #1 way to prevent the creation of the necessary herd immunity is to shut down all of the schools. Why? Because for thousands of years it has been part of our biological survival that our children survive flu’s perfectly easily. They don’t die from flu. But they DO create our herd immunity when most of them are exposed to each flu, and their amazing immune systems immediately establish immunity that protects all of us. Just as with the current flu, the huge majority of people exposed to the virus never have any idea that their immune system has responded by creating the antibody protection that ends the epidemic in a matter of weeks.

By RBN April 16, 2020 21:20

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