The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 15, 2020

By RBN April 15, 2020 21:00

Holy egg rolls! The news is confirmed today, April 15, 2020, from high sources within the U.S. government that the Kung Flu, or otherise known an My Charona virus, was released from a Red Chinese virus laboratory in Wuhan. AND!…the Red Chinese total liability for ALL the lives and life earnings lost worldwide is redoubled because the pukes running Red China LIED about the whole virus release from the start! These lies cost thousands of lives and trillions of life savings! The puke dictatorship of Red China must pay. And the means to collect some of what they owe is right at hand….we must repudiate the entirety of American debt held by Red China (in the many trillions) and then move against all Red Chinese assets inside America. In this matter it must be recognized that there is no such thing as private assets in Red China. Therefore all Chinese assets in the United States are wide open to seizure by America. Let’s go!

By RBN April 15, 2020 21:00

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