The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 15, 2019

By RBN April 15, 2019 20:59

In today’s Emerson poll, April 15, 2019, there are some nice surprises. Bernie Sanders, who showed today in a 1-hour Fox interview, that he is TOTALLY out of gas, pulled AHEAD of Joe Biden, 29 percent to 24 percent. Nice. If Bernie is the best the DemonRats can do….they are really in trouble. The next nice surprise is that South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is a total joke, passed all of the dozen and a half other DemonRat wannabees to poll in third place with 9 percent. That’s great news. BootyGag recently married his husband, who is now referred to as the First Gentleman of South Bend. Again, if this is the best the DemonRats have got, things are looking good for patriots in the 2020 election.

By RBN April 15, 2019 20:59

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