The American Freedom Party Report w/ James Kelso – July 15, 2018 Hour 2

By RBN July 15, 2018 17:19

Does the good news ever slacken off in The Trump Phenomenon? Not today, July 15, 2018. We’re in the midst of a quintuple whammy of good news: 1) Trump in Helsinki with Putin tomorrow; 2) Trump dishes it out to the traitor Theresa May over her Brexit betrayal; 3) Trump straightens out Angela Merkel and other NATO spongers for soaking the US taxpayer and consumer; 4) Trump and the House Patriot Congressmen unload on the Mueller/Rodentstein/Strzok/Comey failed coup d’etat to end the Trump presidency and cancel 63 million patriot votes in 2016, and; 5) Trump makes his most-brilliant-yet appointment, Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice.

By RBN July 15, 2018 17:19

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