STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 7.27.20

By RBN July 27, 2020 14:59

HOST MARK ANDERSON GOES SOLO TODAY outlining the political dilemmas presented by modern elections while sharing key information from the State Convention of the Constitution Party of Michigan that he attended and spoke at July 25 in Corunna, Michigan. (The U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan is the state affiliate of the national Constitution Party). In the second half of today’s show Anderson shares a recording of his speech from that day in which, among several things, he advocated the resurrection of the traditional “Townhall Meeting” at which citizens could make their voices much more strongly heard about fraudulent Covid-19 data, etc. Armed with a much clearer sense of public opinion, local officials could then help pressure state officials including governors to ease off on the Covid-19 crackdown.

By RBN July 27, 2020 14:59

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