STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 7.13.20

By RBN July 13, 2020 15:00

Mark has guest host Johnny Delirious.

Title: The whole world is marching lockstep getting the new vaccine

Episode Description: We have social distancing so we are further separated from God and humanity. Scare tactics and fear triggers are implemented when ever you turn on the news or read the papers. Nearly everyone in the cities and towns across the world are following like mice behind the Pied Pipers Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates to get the new vaccine. Johnny will break it all down and provide you real solutions to help you with what is going on in our country and keep our immunity as strong as possible. To get more information put a note at the contact tab on Or call Johnny 972 825 7912

By RBN July 13, 2020 15:00

Show Hosts