STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 12.29.21

By RBN December 29, 2021 15:27

A NEWLY DISCOVERED FUTURISTIC OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT, whose contributors included the infamous Council on Foreign Relations, the Brookings Institution and the Atlantic Council, was today’s topic of discussion—mainly because on Page 75 of the 100-page report, interestingly entitled “Global Trends 2025″ A Transformed World,” a deadly world “pandemic” likely to involve a “Zoonotic Coronavirus” originating in “China” is eerily predicted—in a report written in 2008!! But other curious aspects of this report are analyzed today as well. Host Mark Anderson, accompanied by Ron Avery as assistant commentator and video engineer, also updated the contact information today for helping to get P.F. Lazor out of prison in his race against time to depart the Salinas Valley prison in Soledad, California before mandated covid jabs come along. And given his extreme chemical sensitivities, he feels the injection would kill him. So to do your part to help Lazor get paroled ASAP, disregard a phone number that has been shared and instead go online to and choose the proper tab for general public comment near the top. Or physically write to: Office of the Inspector General Intake Unit, 10111 Old Placerville Road, Sacramento, Calif. 95827. Through either or both channels, simply state something like: “Please free P.F. Lazor, C73842, A1-112, who was unjustly imprisoned, is a model prisoner, has been behind bars way beyond his sentence and may die from a mandated prison covid jab. Thank you.”
Today’s show was video simulcast to

By RBN December 29, 2021 15:27

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