Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 12.21.21

By RBN December 21, 2021 14:59

Ron read an article by Sara Boboltz posted 12/17/2021 about a discussion between Barak Ravid, of Axios, and Donald Trump.
Ron then analyzed the article showing that Trump is a master of deception and on the team of those who have unlawfully overthrown the United States of America.
The article showed that Trump thinks it is good that Israel have absolute control over the U.S. Congress. Therefore Trump cannot be against the new world order as that doctrine is an Israeli / “Jewish” construct. That’s why Trump was always asking for our money to build a wall while sending the entire Navy to the Middle East without consulting or asking us for anything. Mark Anderson joined the show and gave us the latest on Joe Biden’s absurd statements as to why the unvaccinated are endangering the vaccinated. We also had 5 callers.

By RBN December 21, 2021 14:59

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