Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 07.27.21

By RBN July 27, 2021 15:00

Ron opened the show by reading a summary of a video interview of Dr. Peter McCullough by Reiner Fuellmich, a German attorney who is gathering evidence in preparation of a lawsuit against those who have used their de facto official capacities to lie about the COVID pandemic for their personal gain and dark agendas. Dr. McCullough called the Covid-19 agenda bioterrorism. Ron defined “bioterrorism” to show that Covid-19 is really a weapon of mass murder using lockdown mandate terrorism to alter the current voluntary policy regarding medical procedures. The link to summary and video is:
Then Ron played one verse and chorus of Steppenwolf’s “The Pusher” as an expression of our frustration with those who are Covid-19 potion pushers that continue to administer harmful and deadly potions upon the public worldwide. He then read the other verses to save time. Later in the show he talked about how we should pray for these potion pushers so they can avoid their coming damnation by repenting to join Christians in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth who know what society should really be like. The last verse phrase “kill them with the Bible” means pray for the potion pushers that they repent and avoid eternal damnation.
Ron quoted some of his downloadable letter to school district superintendents, school board presidents and their governors, and attorney generals. The letter showed how the Covid-19 program is state tyranny and terrorism and how it violates political and medical science and Christian theological principles.
The link is
Mark Anderson joined the show and gave a summary of his mission to collect information about what modern journalism has become by setting up interviews with professors on the campus of a prestigious university. He is collecting materials for articles, books and shows concerning the rise of the mass media cartel and the demise of journalism.
Dave from Michigan joined the show and reminded us of Jefferson’s statement that “resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.” He also called our attention to the concept of the jural assemblies.
Allen from Texas added to the scripture and vital concept that we are not our own that we have been bought with a price and we do not have authority to harm our bodies as they are the temple of God.
He cited Col.6:19 and Psalms 1:39 for reference.
Pat from Texas called in with multiple concerns about various issues and political candidates.
Ron thanks Mike for uploading his show exit bumper music! Cool! And he thanks Julie for picking some moving bumper music and getting him on the right chat on Skype. Did Ron ever get on the right chat? LOL

By RBN July 27, 2021 15:00

Show Hosts