Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.6.21

By RBN May 6, 2021 15:01

Mark Anderson joined the show and they revisited the questions brought up yesterday on Mark Anderson’s show “Stop the Presses” here at RBN. They gave potential answers to those questions. Mark’s guest yesterday, David Scott of Scotland, said we need to defeat the assertion of injection pushers that those who don’t take the “vaccine” are a threat to society. Ron gave a potential argument to do so.
Mark gave examples of how no other company would be allowed to harm people like these Covid-19 “vaccine” manufacturers and showed the absurdity of the “benefits outweigh the risks” argument. They also showed that nations have been destroyed for less harm than Covid-19 concoctions have done.
Calls were taken in the second half. David in San Francisco said he got the “vaccine” and is OK but agreed that we should not be required to take them to enter society. He also said he thought the real cause of Covid-19 symptoms was pollution caused by major corporations.
Andrea from Oklahoma said she still thinks the Covid concoction contains nanochips and Ron said, regardless of its presence now, it can easily be introduced in the future once the majority are conditioned to believe they are justly required to take any and all shots prior to entering society.
Michael from Tennessee said Ron’s show had the best music and Ron thanked him profusely and informed Michael that he had only selected the first tune and that Julie was picking all the other music to Ron’s delight. Michael said he agreed with Ron about the Covid-19 restrictions and injection program being anti-christ and absolute evil.
Mark finished up and made some announcements about his latest issue of the Citizen Reporter found here at:
He also said he would follow up with the Consumer Product Safety Commission regarding deaths and harm numbers for a vaccine compared to other products.

New ‘CITIZEN REPORTER’ Pamphlet for Activists Stresses Media Coverup of Covid “Vax” Dangers

By RBN May 6, 2021 15:01

Show Hosts