Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 04.29.21

By RBN April 29, 2021 14:59

Ron gave his analysis of the Biden speech to congress on his 99th day in office. Ron titled his own critique of Biden’s speech a “deceptive description of events to maintain tyranny.” Ron suggested that all the “state of the union” addresses should be called “state of mind” addresses, as they are no more than visions of presidents. Ron says Biden’s mind is inimical to the U.S. Constitution and he gave examples in his speech to prove it. Ron hammered the creation of the jobs plan showing how jobs are not an end in themselves nor their provision a function of lawful government.
Ron then questioned the extent of “white supremacy” in America and its threat being greater than terrorism. He also showed how Biden’s characterization of the vandalism at the Capitol as the “greatest attack on our democracy since the civil war” as absolute ignorance and hyperbole. He ended by showing that Biden’s threat to disarm the American people was a crime against the Constitution rather than “using it” as Biden suggested. Ron used Biden’s speech to prove Biden is a global collectivist in line with the Georgia Guidestones and alien and destructive to the U.S. Constitution.
James from Vancouver called in and confirmed Ron’s assessment of the situation and said he can no longer travel into the city of Vancouver from just a few miles south and says he won’t take that shot even though they are using terrorism to make people take them. Al from West Virginia called and now I forgot what he said so I hope he calls in again.
Then Jim from Illinois called and said we should read the Discourses on Livy by Machiavelli to learn how republics are maintained and lost. He also said he isn’t taking a shot no matter what! Pat from Texas called about the vandalism of the Georgia Guidestones by Antifa, Ron says he didn’t know they did that kind of work! Ron apologizes if he got everyone’s comments mixed up with each other.

By RBN April 29, 2021 14:59

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