Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 04.13.21

By RBN April 13, 2021 14:59

Ron has the pleasure of discussing Texas House Bill 3770 with a key individual that was instrumental in its filing, Mr. Russell Bennett. HB3770 is for the elimination of property taxes or FEUDALISM in the “State of Texas.” This is a great show, even if I say so myself!
Russell gave the very interesting history and background of the sound research behind this bill provided by Rick Cunningham, a retired economist and attorney. We cover how it was reduced at the last minute from 224 pages to 12 in a short period of time by the Legislative Council.
The problem is we only have until the end of this week to get the Chairman of the Texas House Ways and Means Committee to schedule a public hearing for this bill. If we fail to do so we will wait for another legislative session or 2 more years. So let’s flood the chairman’s office this week with email as follows:
Subject: Schedule a Hearing for HB3770 the Week of April 19
Rep. Meyer, please schedule a hearing for HB3770 next week. Let me know the date for the hearing.
Property taxes render government unlawful. The confiscation of property to protect your property is “the greatest absurdity on earth” according to Samuel Adams. John Adams called it “civil tyranny!” Let’s have lawful government for a change!

By RBN April 13, 2021 14:59

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