Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.01.22

By RBN March 1, 2022 15:01

Ron talked about his humorous absurd experience at his voting location today in the primary election. Then he talked about what a “State of the Union” address really is and why they should call what presidents deliver a “state of mind” address. Ron delivers in one word the state of the union as the most concise, accurate and irrefutable condition. He announced that the American Freedom Trucker Convoy is passing through the Seguin, Texas area on Interstate 10 heading east this Friday Mar 4, 22. Locals are urged to meet at the overpass at I-10 and Baker Road a few miles east of Seguin near Kingsbury, Texas. Then Ron talked about Dr. James Fetzer needing to raise a defense fund to go to the Supreme Court of the United States to prevent the judicial environment that will establish and protect theatrical events narrated by the mass media cartel as absolute unimpeachable truth.

Fetzer donation site

By RBN March 1, 2022 15:01

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