Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 01.06.22

By RBN January 6, 2022 15:01

Hey kids what time is it? It’ not Howdy Doody time, it’s civil tyranny time when all the serfs and vassal slaves of the state pay their tenures and rents to occupy their homes and businesses. This is not America! This is not Texas! This is civil tyranny as so called by John Adams the second President of the United States of America. Ron read from his website the four things he learned by suing the local County Appraisal District in 2015.
You can watch his video he did about his findings in the suit at the Austin Public Access Station in 2017 which remains applicable today at:
You can read his introduction page at to find the four things he discovered and copy the brochure at:
Ron also talked about who owns the world and who sits on the throne above at this time and is coming back to judge the world. And until then we are his stewards in the world to make lawful government. Please support those who are doing so including RBN.

By RBN January 6, 2022 15:01

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