The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 29, 2019 Hour 2

By RBN September 29, 2019 17:13

You can probably feel it, like the rest of us, here on September 29, 2019…..something big, really big appears to be right around the corner. The bad guys who have been creeping around successfully undetected in the bushes for years are having to out themselves to engage in the firefight now going on with the incredible band of patriots supporting President Donald Trump. In today’s show we look at two instances of this that happened just this morning: patriot Mark Levin completely outing and destroying Faux Fox “conservative” Ed Henry, followed by Faux Fox “conservative” Chris Wallace being outed by patriot Trump speechwriter and adviser Stephen Miller. And then, as the cherry on top, President Trump re-tweets ordinary patriots just like you and me today…..calling Ed Henry (Fox and Friends in the morning) a “lying shit head”. That re-tweet is a thing of beauty for the ages! Finally a President who thinks and talks just like all of us patriots!

By RBN September 29, 2019 17:13

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