The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 14, 2017

By RBN September 14, 2017 21:00

Co-hosts: Paul Fromm, George from Maryland | For September 14, 2017 our Trump Phenomenon idea is this: let’s create a real simple, positive crowd chant that we Trump supporters can break into at any Trump event that will  be our way of DIRECTLY and POWERFULLY communicating to our President whenever we have an overwhelming consensus that he has listened to the wrong people around him and made a bad call. Here’s one suggestion: “Listen to US! Listen to US!……” chanted to the rhythm of “USA! USA!….” This one chant could be used by us on ANY issue, any decision, any mistake in which our last best hope, our greatest president, has listened to BAD advice that contradicts the Trump pledges on which we elected Donald John Trump. Maybe someone can come up with an even better chant to be roared out on those occasions when 90+ percent of us on the Trump Train are strongly convinced that our Trump Train engineer has made a mistake. There will be mistakes, of course. But the genius of Donald Trump includes the IQ to learn very quickly and the character of Donald Trump includes the sincere love of the people who elected him. Those two traits mean that, unlike any other president we have ever seen, HE WILL LISTEN. Especially when he hears 25,000 of us chanting “Listen to US, Listen to US, Listen to US” at a Trump Train rally.

By RBN September 14, 2017 21:00

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