The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 12, 2017

By RBN September 12, 2017 21:00

Co-hosts: Paul Fromm, George from Maryland | Donald Trump delivered one of the greatest speeches ever uttered by an American president just before the G20 Summit, when he spoke in Kasinski Square in Warsaw. President of Poland Duda was there, echoing the politically uncorrect ideas of Hungarian head of state Viktor Orban, who said this week: “We are not a nation of immigrants. We don’t want to become a nation of immigrants. And the EU policy of forcing “refugees” on us we view as violence against us.” And now, this week, Poland’s answer to Angela Merkel’s threat of “fining” Poland 150 million dollars for not knuckling under to her EU open borders policy was to reply to Merkel: “OK, you want to fine us 150 million dollars….well, then, we want 1 TRILLION dollars from you in war reparations for the devastation of Poland from 1939 to 1945 in World War II.” Ouch. The ratio of 150 million to 1 trillion is about 1 to 6,000. So that works out at the poker table of life to be: “We’ll call your $1 and raise you $6,000.” And the right-wing Polish government is not joking. Some of our themes in the September 12, 2017 Trump Phenomenon show.

By RBN September 12, 2017 21:00

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