The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 11, 2017

By RBN September 11, 2017 21:00

Co-hosts: Paul Fromm, George from Maryland | On the 16th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attack against America, we ask in today’s 9/11/2017 show, the who?! question. Who attacked us?! Donald Trump has made it known over the years that he’s not buying the fake news official and politically correct version according to which, for example, the huge 47-story WTC 7 skyscraper collapsed for NO REASON at free-fall speed 5 hours after the two planes DID NOT hit WTC 7.  2,900 licensed architects and engineers at just one website: aren’t buying the official lie either. Our topic for today’s show.

By RBN September 11, 2017 21:00

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