The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 9, 2018

By RBN January 9, 2018 22:00

The genius who wrote “The Art of the Deal” should never be underestimated in his ability to steer any project in the exact direction that he wants it to go, no matter what the pleasantries he exchanges with his rivals may be in the process (which he perfected to an “Art”) of getting things to go where he has wanted them to go all along. Today’s meeting with the poohbahs of the Senate who have given us the immigration nightmare we have today has to be viewed, in my opinion, as an “Art of the Deal” opening move by President Trump. Deep chess may be at work in our President’s plan. When he said today, at the conclusion of the open portion of the meeting with two dozen Democrat and Republican Senators, that “whatever I approve on DACA will be what these folks, who I respect very much, work out together” was he out-thinking the lefties? Was he aware that these diametrically opposite forces seated at the long table with him AREN’T going to be able to work anything out? I think this is a real possibility. He may, today, have outflanked the lefties in the room there with him by letting them DEMONSTRATE that they are incapable of “working out” anything on immigration. Then he can say: “shucks, I’m so sorry you people, whom I respect so much (he hates their guts) couldn’t agree on a plan. Well, since I’m president, I’v got a plan ready to go. We’ll go with that.” Meanwhile, we on the right,will be roaring: “End the immigration invasion. Secure our nation!”

By RBN January 9, 2018 22:00

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